

Convenient Tours. Custom Built Dive Boats - 47ft and 39ft Spacious Boats with all amenities including easy entry and exit, rest room, fresh water facilities.

Get There Faster - Minimal time to the prime sites. 15 minutes to Western sites and 45 minutes to Southern sites.

Learn more about us

We have operated in St. Lucia since 1992 and have supported the local and international tourism industry from inception.

Dive Fair Helen: St. Lucia Undersea Adventures, is owned and operated by a St. Lucian environmentalist with over 15 years experience in marine research in his country. Some of his achievements include the establishment of the famous Lesleen M. Ship wreck, the formation of the policy document to regulate the sport diving sector in St. Lucia and the zoning of protected marine areas which resulted in the formation of the marine reserve and fishing priority areas of St. Lucia.

"We at Dive Fair Helen are extremely proud of our island especially our marine resource and place great emphasis on education and safety". The pride of our operation is our two custom built dive boats: Dive Fair Helen II (Denise, a 47 ft. Burpee) and Dive Fair Helen III (Samm, a 39 ft. Sea Hawk), both with on-board wash room and shower facilities, plenty of shade and ease of entry and exit, allowing for a highly personalized service.

We believe in maximizing the rewards to our client by offering the best possible price, flexible tour times and range of services in a simple one-stop shop facility - our dive facilities and environs are home for souvenirs shoppers, sun bathers, bar frequenter, river and coastal kayakers, nature trail hikers, scuba divers and snorkelers.

St Lucia Dive Sites

Anse Cochon Dive Sites

Anse Cochon - North & South | Beach/Reef
Virgin Point/Cove | Shallow Reef onto Wall
Anse La Raye Wall | Wall Dive
Anse Galet | Wall Dive
Lesleen M. | Wreck - Freighter
Rosemund Trench | Reef - Trench
Daini Koyamoru | Wreck - Dredger
Soufriere Dive Sites

Fairyland | Reef
Coral Gardens | Wall
Pinnacles | Peaks of Coral
Malgretoute | Beach unto Wall
Turtle Reef | Wall
Jalousie | Beach unto Wall
Piton Wall | Wall
Superman's Flight | Wall

Anse La Raye Wall

This site is rich in coral and marine life. The shallow areas displays brightly colored fire coral, while in the deeper end there are in descent purple vase sponges, barrel sponges, and soft coral. There is a lot of fish on this dive - look out particularly for jacks, Bermuda chubs and spotted-drums. The Anse La Raye wall is an excellent example of the colorful reefs of St. Lucia and a good site for underwater photography. It is best dived at around 50 to 60 feet.
Virgin Point/Cove

This semicircular reef/wall is a richly diverse coral reef structure displaying both hard and soft corals. This reef starts off in 15 ft. with large colorful boulders which fringes the coastline and gravitates to patches of coral and eventually more defined structures of reef. The perfect setting for divers and snorkelers of all levels. Schools of snappers, grunts and Atlantic spade fish as well as turtles and barracudas are frequent residents of this reef especially at the 60' - 70' level.
Anse Cochon North & South Reef

There are only three dive sites on the west coast within the marine reserve areas that are ideal environments for resort and trainee open water diving. Two of these sites are in Anse Cochon (North and South reefs) and the other is the Anse Chastanet reef in Soufriere. The Anse Cochon - North and South Reefs are beach dives with coral and encrusted boulders that start in 5 ft. of water. The northern reef gradually descends to 40ft. where it merges with the Virgin Cove reef, where as the South Reef remains shallow to a maximum depth of 30 ft. The coral is more prolific on the northern side but both areas are rich in reef fish - spotted drums, goat fish, parrot fish, yellow snappers, grunts, damsel fish, chromis and wrasse.
Lesleen M. Wreck

A 165 foot freighter was sunk in October 1986 by the Department of Fisheries as part of a project to provide artificial reefs. It is covered with hard and soft corals, sponges and hydroids, and provides an ideal habitat for many juvenile fishes such as queen and french angel fish. Turtles and barracudas also frequent this wreck. The sandy bottom fringing the wreck is home to numerous schools of sand eels and divers should look out for our resident frog fishes, sea horses and black bar soldier fish.

The wreck sits on an even keel on a sandy bottom and it is possible to penetrate the hold and engine room. The deepest point of the wreck is in 65 ft. of water whilst the highest point is in 40ft. Depth. History - The previous owner of this vessel (affectionately known as "Pappy Mac") sort to change the name of his ship by selecting a letter from the names of his grandchildren resulting in the name "Lesleen". The letter "M" stands for the surname of the family (Mc Quilkin) - Three generations of family members (grandfather, father and son) all involved with the sea and presently deceased all of whom were buried at sea. The owner of Dive Fair Helen was commissioned many years ago to paint the new name on this vessel and was directly involved in the sinking of her. He has traveled on her in her hay days and is privilege to many of her hidden secrets. The Lesleen M is an easy dive, excellent for close-up and macro photography, a good night dive.
Daini Koyomaru Wreck

This Japanese dredger was sunk in the south end of Anse Cochon in September 1996 by the Department of Fisheries. Most of the interior was deliberately left intact, offering an endless source of exploration for advanced divers. The vessel is a 16,000 ton metal structure, 244 feet long and approximately 80 feet high. The maximum depth of this dive is 108 feet. Already the wreck is a habitat for a number of fish species including eels and barracudas, many of which accompanied the vessel on its journey from the southern end of the island.

The vessel was sunk in close proximity to an existing reef patch. The fact that the vessel landed on its side meant that a wall dive was created in conjunction with the wreck dive. It has been said that the position of the structure lends an aura of mystery to it. The Daini Koyomuru (Japanese for boat # 2) is quite a mouthful, but the site offers a challenging adventure for the experienced diver.

Frequently Asked

What is the depth range?

Our dives seldom exceed 70ft. except in cases where divers use personal computers and special diver training programs require it. Our coral reefs start in 6ft.of water and our coral diversity extend to 200 ft.

How long are the actual dives?

Dive time ranges from 45mins to 1 hrs each dive.

What is the water temperature?

For most people T-shirts provide sufficient thermal protection. Water temperature is in the range of 78 F to 80 F with the occasional thermo cline at around 75 F.

What is the visibility like?

On a rare day the visibility can be as poor as 10ft to 15ft (prolonged rains) but normally it is in the range of 40ft. to 60ft. and on good days exceed 100ft.

Types of fish and coral seen?

Our coral reefs are home to a wide variety of flora and fauna. Protected by the government of St. Lucia these fragile ecosystems shelter reef fish such as squirrel fish, parrot fish, grunts, eels, goat fish, angelfish, lobsters, large crabs and other crustaceans, sea anemones, sea horses and frog fish. Sea turtles and barracudas are also seen with the occasional whale and nurse sharks. Corals to be found include mountain star coral, finger coral, brain coral, pillar coral, leaf coral, fleshy and flower corals.

Type of dives offered?

You can wreck, beach, drift, wall, pinnacle and night dive. Our reefs offer splendid shapes which include 1:1 vertical walls, pinnacles and beach dives that drop to over 100ft within 300ft from the shore.

How long is the dive trip?

Distance in time to the dive sites range from 10mins. to 1hr. Earliest hotel pick up is 7:45am and we are back in port between 1pm and 3:30pm - depending on the dive sites.

Are there dangerous creatures?

Barracuda and sting ray - on our dive sites it is possible to encounter barracudas or sting rays, fortunately these creatures pose no danger because of the clarity of our water (divers are never mistaken for prey).

The Scorpion fish (stone fish) - because of its camouflage ability to resemble coral, the scorpion fish may be described as the most dangerous fish on the reef. Not forgetting that our reefs are protected by law, this danger only exist for the curious diver interested in touching or breaking-off coral.

Fire coral, fire sponge, bristle worms, jelly fish, hyrods, sea ants, sea urchins - getting in contact with these organisms will result in itching and burning which usually dissipate within a couple of hours. To quicken recovery and soothe pain, Sting-Aids can be used.


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